All My Books 3.9

Do you love books? You just need a personal book catalog! Have you forgotten to whom you lent your favorite Harry Potter book? Do you want to know how many Stephen King books you have? Do you want to print a list of your books or upload it to a website? All My Books cataloguer will help you!

All My Books will load all information from online sources in a matter of seconds. All you have to type to get complete information about a book is to fill one of the fields - book title, author name or ISBN. Select the necessary book from the search results and all the information is before your eyes, including the book cover!
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22 votes Vote

be able to choose to disregard the words 'A' and 'The' in titles for better alphabetization.

I would like to be able to choose to disregard the words "A" and "The" in titles for better alphabetization.
Larry, 29.06.2014, 14:42
12 votes Vote

enter the original year the book was published, in addition to the year my particular version was published. Alternately, having a few custom fields I could name whatever I want to enter and show that info or other categorizations (cover color, for e

enter the original year the book was published, in addition to the year my particular version was published. Alternately, having a few custom fields I could name whatever I want to enter and show that info or other categorizations (cover color,...
Derrek, 29.06.2014, 17:48
9 votes Vote

Enter my PDFs and other ebooks (Amazon, etc.) into this program. At least, PDFs --- this is a must for me.

Only entering "paper" books is fine if we we back in the 70s or 80s. But that was a long time ago. To be relevant, this program must --- at the very least --- be able to read a PDF. If that is too difficult to start with, then let it at least...
freecat, 29.06.2014, 11:31
9 votes Vote

Be able to import the information from directly.

I have over 1500 ebooks - being able to get that info directly from amazon would be very useful to me.
M_Hagen, 29.06.2014, 18:29
6 votes Vote

Complementary phone/scanning app. Input much quicker. But all so, if I am out in shops, I can scan book or any products (music, comics, any collators items) to see if it may already at home or on a will list.

Complementary phone/scanning app. Input much quicker. But all so, if I am out in shops, I can scan book or any products (music, comics, any collators items) to see if it may already at home or on a will list.
edward humphrey, 29.06.2014, 12:56